Monday, April 5, 2010

It's always somethin new!

Every day Brycen amazes me in some kind of way and every time he does it I just want to shout it from the rooftops! So I'm going to start recording it here, that way who ever wants to read about it can, and who ever doesn't want to hear about can keep their stick where its at :)

let's start with this weekend!
Fri April 2nd- Brycen officially started saying "I want ____" instead of just using his one word commands for what he wants: drink, some, eat, blanket. He's starting sentences!

Sunday April 4th- This song came on and Brycen sang along (in his own words) in the back seat :)

April 11th- Brycen made this video for his BFF's 2nd birthday:

Tue 4/13/10 -Travis left for training early that morning, so when Brycen and I went to go pick up his truck, he got in...looked around....then said "where go? Daddy?" it broke my heart and made me happy that Daddy was only going to be gone for 2 weeks!

Wed 4/21/10 -While trying to come inside from being outside, Brycen dropped his drink and said "OH NO my jink!" that's the best sentence he's EVER spoken. I'm such a proud mama today!!

Sat May 1st -We were outside and I told Brycen to pick up his airplane from the grass. He did then threw it on the way inside. When he went looking for it saying "airpane...airpane" I said "where did it go?" he replied by pointing his finger to the sky and saying "up" :)