Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Running a What??

In coming to Savannah I hoped to meet more people I met in our time in Fayetteville and people with a bit more.....personality :) I joined Cafe Mom but didn't really do anything with it. Then one day was reminded I even had the account so, I was bored I decided to set it up, who knows maybe some other people know it exist then I can chat with some other mamas! I did a search on the school I wanted to go to AASU and found Lauren! We talked and realized how much we had in common as far as our husbands being in the same unit and all that not to mention she is attending the school I hoped to go to. She introduced me to, which I never even knew existed, and i found the stay at home moms group and of course...Joined.
from there I started going to these
FunFit meet ups, where we all do stroller fitness with the babies and chitchat like stay at home moms don't get to do very much. Also a great place to brag about what the babies are doing since people who don't have kids don't care if you're little one can pull himself up on the couch as of yesterday!
Kristen is the one who leads these fitness groups and she knows how to push you just enough to get you sore but not too much to where you want to quit. I think that's awesome for a lot of reasons, one being its hard to get together a group of people who are fitness freaks-but I like to meet all kinds of people and when i go to these I know I'm meeting people who aren't lazy. I think laziness is a pet peeve of mine which is weird because when it comes to housework, i am lazy with a capital Z :)
so anyway, one day out of desperation for a quick baby sitter i called Kristen, the only number i had for anybody i knew in Savannah and she Thank Goodness, helped me with
Brycen so I could go to a job interview. I didn't get the job which is ok because they offered me wayyyyy less money than i would've ever worked for. I got to hang out with her, Charlotte, another pretty mama who has a baby about 1 month younger than our 2 and Lauren, who introduced me to the group in the first place! So now I have a few friends who are great, I'm so glad i met them! much better than any random chicks in fayetteville ;)
Well, one day Kristen and I were
doin a little funfit and she informed me of this training that was going on in November for a marathon in Nashville. Now... I never ever even considered running in a marathon, I was just sharing how I liked running and how i just want to be good at it to A)get those sexy, athletic legs and B)be in good shape forever and ever!! but later on she sent me information about it, and I noticed there is such things as "HALF MARATHONS" and you can choose to 'run/walk'. Hmm sounds like something I can do. Then after researching a little more, i decided, 'well shoot... maybe I can just run the whole darn thing, right?'
So, just yesterday I went to the first meeting and decided... I will be running the whole Country Music Marathon in NASHVILLE TENNESSEE!!! I am so
freakin excited I can't describe it. not only that but its for a GREAT cause. Team in Training is what I'll be apart of and I'm not sure if the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society are a part of the whole marathon, I believe they are just the ones helping us get to Nashville and have nothing to do with the whole thing, but I will be running for Blood Cancer patients, survivors, and their families!! at the meeting I must've teared up about 5 times just hearing about what a great cause it is and not only that but completing a marathon. A MARATHON. A FREAKIN MARATHON!!! I am just SO ready to get it started and to do it, I never would've thought I would be doing this but its just so great. that's all i can say. i don't even know if I'm making sense to anybody but myself. i just cannot wait. The only catch is I have to raise 2600 to get there or I cant participate. I honestly have no worries about it, I just hope everybody is as giving as I hope they will be.
But anyway I just wanted to share with the world what I am doing and how I got here. while I was pregnant, all I wanted to do was go running. I'm not sure why but that's all I wanted to do. maybe it was because I couldn't? So anyway after I had my
brybry it took me a bit to think about it again and to get up and go, but I went! and Ive been working at it, at least 2 miles 2 or 3 times a week. I love it and I recommend it to everybody. I hate laziness! People who say "I hate you" because I'm thin, or complain that they aren't in shape/too fat/not what i used to weigh... well HELLO get up and freakin DO SOMETHING! If you can't do anything than watch what you eat at the least.
Today, when Travis got home,
Brycen smiled SO big and while Trav was holding him Brycen actually LEANED in to give him a kiss(or as we call it "un Besito") it totally still makes my knees weak just thinking of how he leaned his head in to give daddy a kiss. Travis didn't even ask for one or anything :) so so SO SO SO sweet. oh my goodness so sweet. I can't describe how it feels. i just love him. them. us. family. one. love. happy. peace :)

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