Friday, November 2, 2012

Moving to where?!?!!

Welp, we are in the middle of preparing for the next chapter in our lives! Travis got out of the Army in July, a day we had been waiting on since about a year into our contracts ;) we loved it, enjoyed it the best we could, but knew it wouldnt be forever. He applied for a job in Dubai back in March, and he got it. It was a tough decision to make, we would be leaving all that we knew to pursue a new job and the experience of a lifetime. Would it be worth it? Could we handle it? Could MY MOM handle it?!
We prayed

...and prayed

...and prayed.

As the hiring process continued, Trav continued to apply for jobs JUUUUST in case it fell through or he needed a job until he were to leave. No other doors were opening for us. Jobs he was well qualified for, he didn't get. After 6 years of job security, we were finally feeling the effects of the economy. Could we even afford to be picky about job location? (By the way, I firmly believe that there is always a choice)

Anywho, fast forward a few months! He is now in his final stages and preparing to leave. We have no set date yet, but are mentally ready for them to say this week. It doesn't seem real. Part of me is expecting this to fall through and for all of our friends and family to ask "what's the latest?" And we'll have to say "we still dont know."

What we do know is that there is a predicted arrival of early November. Hence this blog! I want to keep everybody posted and record my experiences as a girl juggling being a mom, wife, daughter, student, and future expat in modern day Arabia. Sounds fun, right? Lets just say Im glad Im a "one day at a time" kind of person ;)

90 days after T-rav gets there, his family can join him and I will be graduating with my degree in Physical Therapy Assisting in March. How perfect is that? God is so good!
There is an American Hospital and several other physical therapy clinics, so I think if I chose to work, I could. Schooling there for children is great, although the English speaking British private schools may ruin Brycen's southern accent ;)

Today I completed the 6th out of my 7 week clinical rotation! I love where I am at, the clinic is great and my CI (clinical instructor) is really awesome. Im gonna hate saying goodbye--but lets not talk about that! In January I will begin my second, and last clinical rotation, WOO HOO! Ill be so glad to be done with school. Itc crazy to be this close to graduating!

We are spending our weekend in Atlanta, just in case T doesn't get another chance to visit his family. Ill be keeping a 365 photo album on facebook to track our latest happenings, along with this blog. I hope I can keep up with it better than I know I will!!

So thats whats going on in our world! We are very anxious for our next step and compare where we are at to fishing in between tides. Waiting for the tide to come in or go out, either way... waiting & enjoying each other's company and life in general. Like always :)

Until next time,
Kristi ♡

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